“You're so convinced you'll disappoint people if you show them that you're not perfect. You don't realize you are perfect. Your imperfections are what make you perfect. They make you you. That's what people love. It's what I love too.”
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Rio Chikagu: SmS ChenTa
Pemandu teksi mati dibunuh
Title: **hana tajima**
written on Thursday 30 June 2011 @ 20:34 ✈{ 0 comments }
Biography | Her name is Hana Tajima-Simpson, She's 23, with a Japanese father and English mother. She have a pretty mixed background, both her parents are artists, so she grew up in a really creative environment. She didn't study fashion for that long, and although She's a self-confessed geek she never really got along with formal education.
She didn't want to lose her love of designing, so she left the fashion course she was on. It's less of a contradiction than it sounds! |
Gender | Female |
Personal information | Today a brand new fashion line has been launched called Maysaa and it’s simply exquisite! The designer, Hana Tajima-Simpson, has put forth real world high fashion at reasonable prices, and the best part is they are well-suited for every woman out there.
If you have been longing t find a long dress, skirt or even pants that are elegant and in-style, you have got to check out their website.We are absolutely gushing with enthusiasm over this new line, because it’s unique and fashionable and all around hijabalicious! |
Personal interests | Casual Hijabi Fashion
Title: **hana tajima**
written on Thursday 30 June 2011 @ 20:34 ✈{ 0 comments }
Biography | Her name is Hana Tajima-Simpson, She's 23, with a Japanese father and English mother. She have a pretty mixed background, both her parents are artists, so she grew up in a really creative environment. She didn't study fashion for that long, and although She's a self-confessed geek she never really got along with formal education.
She didn't want to lose her love of designing, so she left the fashion course she was on. It's less of a contradiction than it sounds! |
Gender | Female |
Personal information | Today a brand new fashion line has been launched called Maysaa and it’s simply exquisite! The designer, Hana Tajima-Simpson, has put forth real world high fashion at reasonable prices, and the best part is they are well-suited for every woman out there.
If you have been longing t find a long dress, skirt or even pants that are elegant and in-style, you have got to check out their website.We are absolutely gushing with enthusiasm over this new line, because it’s unique and fashionable and all around hijabalicious! |
Personal interests | Casual Hijabi Fashion
your profile
Mommy Name:Nurakmaniza Jamil
Baby Name :Nur Azliza Mardhiah
Born:23 June 1991
Hometown: Sabah
Ambition: Art Management Manager
Study at : UNIMAS(Art Management)
10 Things You Should Know About Me:
*Cintakan Pink
*Ingin Mendapatkan Master Art Management (INSYAALLAH)
*Ingin menjadi seorang Ibu yang Tabah
*Meminati lagu-lagu Bruno Mars
*Meminati Running Man
*Meminati lakonan Beto Khusyairi
*Cintakan sesuatu yang Cute
*Gemar membaca buku
*Cintakan matapelajaran Geografi
*Pantang dikritik jika org yg m'kritik tu sendiri tak PERFECT
you are my bestfriend forever and ever
EYKA ?Aizul ?
Irine ?
vel oliver ?
Myra ?
Arimsah ?
Farah Lee ?
nameer ?
Amirah ?
Shawal ?